DBR proposal plan

Any suggestions or feedback are welcome and appreciated 🙂


-Brief overview of why traditional, unconnected teaching methods alone are ineffective at achieving communicative language usage in students

-Brief introduce NGL and digital learning tools and how they may be used to address some of the deficiencies mentioned above

Statement of Purpose

-My teaching context

-Students spend 10 years attending English lessons yet very few achieve even basic conversational level fluency

-Why is this?

-Lessons are teacher focused rather than being student focused -> Student time for application of skills in lessons is insufficient

-English language is almost never used outside the classroom -> lack of reinforcement of what has been learnt

-English usage is almost never authentic -> skills learnt do not transfer to real-life situations/usage

-Students perceive that English is optional, not essential -> lack of awareness that globalised connectedness relies on shared communicative skills (NGL can help bring about awareness of this)

Research Questions

-How can implementation of NGL principles enhance L2 learning for EFL students?

-Which NGL principles best facilitate development of student English use with communities outside the classroom?

Literature Review

-Literature review organised based on time period (pre-90s’ (pre-Internet), 1990-2000 (early Internet ~1994/5+), 2000-present (web 2.0 ~2004+) (difficult to plan before reviewing the literature))

The Intervention

-Introduction of course based on content and media creation

-Example platforms include YouTube, Vimeo, blogging platforms, programming communities (Newgrounds?)


-Summary of research findings and suggestions

2 thoughts on “DBR proposal plan

  1. G’day Adam,

    A collection of comments follow. The main theme will be that specifics matter and keep a focus on the DBR advice in the Week 9 material. I would especially recommend working through the DBR planning template.

    What flavour of NGL? NGL as used in the course is a very broad church. It’s time for you to focus on a specific denomination and try to extract from it a set of principles that can guide what you’re going to do to address your problem. Chances are you might need to complete the literature review around your problem, before you decide on a particular flavour of NGL. What you find in the literature review might influence the direction you go with NGL.

    What exactly is the literature review going to be reviewing? NGL literature? Literature around TESOL? There will need to be a bit of both, perhaps with a focus initially on TESOL (sorry if that’s not quite the right abbreviation) before going onto NGL.

    You don’t seem to have a space for design principles this was one of the sections suggested to include in the structure of your essay.

    This may be why you seem to have already established what your intervention is going to be, before you’ve really done the literature review, identified the flavour of NGL you’re going to use, and then derived some principles from this.

    The temptation to leap to a particular solution is strong. It’s a temptation you need to resist.



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